Ventura City Beach

Why am I running?

I love Ventura.  It’s an amazing place to live work and play.  With the mountains on the one side and the ocean on the other there is never a lack of activities to keep one occupied.  Our proximity to Los Angeles make it easy to enjoy the culture of that town without having to live there.  Our unique geography makes it so that we enjoy the nicest weather in all of California.   I’m running because I care deeply about the health of our community. I have a five year old son and an eight year old daughter who will grow up in Ventura, and I want it to be the best place it can be. I am especially concerned with lowering crime, improving our local economy, and enhancing the quality of life here in Ventura.

A teacher friend of mine told me that when classrooms are neat and tidy and well cared for then the students simply do better. That will work for our city too.  I will be sure that our streets are paved well, the graffiti is removed quickly, the potholes are fixed, the trees are trimmed, the sewers work, All the core services that we all pay for and expect will be my focus to ensure they are delivered.

Why am I a good fit for City Council?

In my current Senior IT Specialist position at FedEx I meet with a variety of diverse groups. Those groups have equally diverse goals. I’m quite practiced at working with all to achieve the best resolution that can be worked out. My role on the City Council will be no different. Also at my job I have two roles. The first is providing tech support to customers who are implementing a highly technical system of shipping hardware and software. I frequently translate the difficult technical terms used by the developers  into plain language that customers can understand. The other part of my job is to represent the needs and desires of customers to the developers, who can then create a better product. I can translate customer requirements and advocate for improvements in ways that customers cannot.

I see many correlations between my current job and the duties required of a Ventura City Council member. The interactions between the administration of Ventura and the citizens of Ventura require clear language and an even clearer view of solutions that will improve both the livability and economic vitality of our City. I’ve been a “go between” for 12 years and will use those skills to help create a better “product” – an even greater city where everyone has the opportunity to flourish. My customer service skills are exemplary and I will bring those to my role as City Council as every resident of the City of Ventura will be “my customer”.


What are my Qulifications?

My other qualifications include a Bachelor’s Degree from UCSB in Environmental Studies and am currently a Small Business Owner. Previously, I have served as a National Park Service Ranger, Humane Society of the United States Volunteer, Boat Captain for Island Packers, and National Park Service Naturalist. I enjoy helping people understand complex processes and procedures. I can bring that to this role.


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