If you love Ventura like I do, please give me one minute of your time.
My name is Paul Meehan, and I’d like to earn your vote for Ventura City Council.
I love our city and will work to make it even better. Here are the areas I’ll focus on:

Quality of Life.

Crime is on the rise in Ventura, and I will work tirelessly with Police, Fire, and City Services to improve the safety and protect the property of residents. I am dedicated to enhancing the quality of our surroundings in Ventura — like the upkeep of parks and open spaces, the maintenance of our streets, the overall attractiveness of our city.


I believe Ventura can do more to welcome business and foster economic growth. Fewer hoops to jump through, less red tape. I will be proactive in courting businesses to relocate here and working with the private sector to create more opportunity for our workforce  in the areas of both employment and education.


Being concerned about the environment is not just about big ideas like “saving the earth.” It’s also about conserving our LOCAL resources, preserving the natural beauty of Ventura, and caring for our coastline. I believe the majority of people would like to lower their environmental impact, and I want the city to give them more tools to help.

Endorsed by the VC Star

Vote for Paul Meehan on Nov. 5