Two Trees Landmark in Ventura

I feel strongly that Ventura can be improved in a multitude of ways. There are so many things that we could handle better. Things that range from our visitors, to the people who conduct business in Ventura, to our natural resources, our traffic, our finances, our growth, all the way down to the people who live here and the homeless here. I think we can do better and that Ventura is on the rise.

It’s time for some fresh perspectives and new ideas. A teacher friend of mine told me that when classrooms are neat and school grounds are well maintained, students do better, regardless of the teacher or the curriculum. If kids feel that their environment is cared for, THEY feel cared for and valuable – and perform better. That makes sense for our city too. I want to be sure that the streets are paved, the graffiti is removed, we effectively fight crime, the sewers work, the water is clean, the citizens get the services they expect and pay for. That is all within our means if we pay for things that make sense. If we show that we care about our town then our citizens and visitors will care more too. I have two small children who will grow up in this town. I want Ventura to be the best it can possibly be for them and for other kids who will grow up here as well.

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